Navigating around the site
- Search entries
- Type a word or phrase into the “search box” and press the return key or click the “GO” button.
The results are listed with the most relevant at the top. See below for some guidance on searching.
- Latest Entries
- The “LATEST” link brings up the list of organisations most recently added to the website.
- List All Entries
- The “LIST ALL” link brings up an Alphabetical listing of all organisations on the website.
- Category List
- Under “CATEGORIES” is an index of key phrases which the organisations are categorised by. The
figure in brackets after the category name shows the number of organisations listed in that category.
Searching Guide
- Enter specific words, such as training, or combinations of words, such as health management.
- You can use wildcards, for example:
- wom?n will match both “woman” and “women”
- consult* will match both “consultant” and “consulting”
- Boolean Operators can be used to combine words through logic operators. Examples are:
- software AND safety
- software OR safety
- software AND NOT safety